
KO3an Guo
Gossip Girl Season 3 <3
Hi! My Sweetheart <3
You're Beautiful<3 x 10000
Good Daddy Show <3 Hong Ki & Hee Chul
We Got Married <333)
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
K. dramas WATCHED:
1. Autumn in my Heart
2. Winter Sonata
3. Sad Love Song
4. Full House
5. My Girl
6. Kim Sam Soon
7. Which Star are you from?
8. The Daring Sisters
9. Lovers in Paris
10. Goong
11. A Love to Kill
12. Princess Lulu
14. 18 yr old Bride
19. Snow Queen
20. Jewel in the Palace
22. Smile Again
23. All In
24. Coffee Prince
25. Jumong
26. On Air
27. Lovers
28. Boys Over Flowers
29. Princess Ja Myung Go
30. Time of Dog and Wolf
31. Gourmet
32. Iljimae
33. IRIS
34. You're Beautiful
35. Lobbyist
36. The Legend
37. Beethoven Virus
38. Be Strong Geum Soon
39. East of Eden
40. Witch Yoo Hee
41. Air City
42. Cinderella Man
43. Robbers
44. Hello Miss!
45. The Devil
46. When It's At Night
The one
12 Oct
pink purple white & gold
Anything green tea/ black sesame <3
Major status: sociology.
chem paper 1 + 2
3:04 PM, Tuesday, July 04, 2006
I have been tagged!!
Instructions: 1. Do the following without complaints. 2. Choose 5 people to do this after you have completed yours. 3. Leave a tag on the person's TagBoard to say he/she have been tagged. 4. Start your post with "I have been tagged!" then do this.
Current... Mood: rather happy becOs i'm left wif ecOns..woOhoO! Taste: i just drank lOts of water..*burp* Clothes: ny uniform, purple fbt, black underwear Desktop: a picture of sun moOn lake which i toOk in taiwan..heEx. Toenail colour: natural..lOlx..lazy 2 paint lar =P Time: 3.02pm Surroundings: left: thai boxing shorts which my bro hung on the doOr ..right: my brO's bed & table & tv. Annoyance: zZZ..i need 2 study ecOns althO it's like the last paper i shld be celebrating.. Thoughts: econs & why hasn't piggy finish his a level Oral?!?!
First... Best Friend: ting yu Crush: hmM..i forgot le.hahaha... Music: geEz..A1?
Last... Crush: hmMm..sOme cOckrOach..but nO more le! lOlx..one must be faithful. Cigarette: nahx.
Drink: water.. Movie: ERMx. i tink it was x men 2 wif judO...lOlx..i need 2 go out & grab some mOvie soOn! Phone call: my brO asking me wad i wanna eat fOr tea..yay! CD played: FIR Song played: hmMm...get your number by mariah carey?
Have you ever... Dated one of your best friends: er nO! Broken the law: i hOpe not..lOlx. Been arrested: nahX. Been on TV: i guess nOt..haha. Kissed someone you dont know: huh!?
5 things you are wearing: zZz.. 4 things you did today: went to skoO, sleep , eat, watch tv 3 things you can hear right now: somebody talking downstairs, the slight humming sound of my CPU & yeaps! the keybOard. 1 thing you do when you are bored: read a boOk? tv? sleep? music? haha depends on my mOod larx~
wells..this is the 3rd year since i started a blOg..soO happy birthday chervil!!! chem was disastrous.... in fact, blame it all on my laziness...was not determined, was not dilligent, had nO perseverance.. all these questions aren't high order thinking, i guess.. it's just my mind rejected alot of infO i've been trying to cram in..zZZ..
MCQ was zZz.. 1 hr seems like a lOng time but for 40 qns? there isn't even time to sort out ur nOtes in ur head...
oOkies. tml is ecOns. hOpefully i'll feel better abt tml's papers!!